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District Council
                                  Schedule 1
                                     Part I 
                           Compulsory Functions 
                           [Note Section 27 (2)]


1.   Review of all development activities of the district
2.   Review of implementation progress of development projects adopted by Upazila Parishad and Municipality.
3.    General library system and its maintenance.
4. Construction, maintenance and development of such highways, culverts and bridges not protected by Upazila Parishad, Municipality or Government. 5.Planting and conserving trees along roadsides and in public places.
6. Arrangement and maintenance of parks, playgrounds and open spaces for public use. 7.Management and control of ferries which are not under the maintenance of government, upazila parishad or municipality.
8. Arrangement and maintenance of inn, post office and rest house.
9. Cooperation with other organizations providing similar functions of Zila Parishad.
10. Providing support, cooperation and encouragement to upazilas and municipalities. 11.Development plan or implementation entrusted to the district council by the government.
12. Other works imposed by the government.



                                    Part II: 
                            Optional Functions 
                           [Note Section 27 (3)] 


1. Establishment and maintenance of schools.
2. Construction and maintenance of dormitory building.
3. Student scholarship system
 4. Teacher training.
 5.Granting money to educational institutions.
6. Conducting educational survey, formulation of education plan and its implementation. 7.Development and assistance of societies formed for the purpose of education development. 8.Development of non-formal education.
9. Milk supply and food arrangements for school children.
10. Book publishing and printing press maintenance.
11. Provision of free or low cost text books for orphans and destitute students. 
12.Maintenance of school books and stationery. 13.Taking other measures to support the development of education.
                         Culture (b)
14. Establishment and maintenance of information center. 
15.Organization of general cultural activities. 
16.Development of sports and games for the public.
18. Establishment of museums and art galleries and organization of exhibitions.
19. Public halls, community center institutions and space for public meetings. 
20.Dissemination of civic education and dissemination of information on local government, rural development and reconstruction, health, community development, agricultural education, cattle breeding and other issues related to public welfare.
21. Celebration of Prophet's birthday, National Day, National Mourning Day, Martyr's Day and other national ceremonies. 
22.Reception of distinguished guests.
23. Development of physical education, encouragement of sports and arrangement of gatherings and competitive sports and sports.
24. Preservation of historical and original features of the local area.
25. Other measures for the development of culture.
                           Social welfare (c)
26.Establishment and maintenance of Welfare House, Shelter House, Orphanage, Widow House and other institutions for the needy. 
27.To make arrangements for burial and burial of dead and needy people. 
28.Prevention of begging, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse, alcoholism, juvenile delinquency and other social ills.
29. To develop social, civic and patriotic qualities among the people and to discourage tribal or sectarian, racial and communal prejudices. 30.Organizing volunteers for social service.
31. Legal aid for the poor ().
32. Undertaking welfare activities for women and backward class family members. 
33.To take measures for settlement of disputes through arbitration and compromise. 
34.Taking other measures for social welfare and social development.
                     Economic welfare(d)
35. Establishment and maintenance of standard agricultural farms. 
36.Popularization of improved farming methods, preservation of improved agricultural machinery and lending of such machinery to farmers and taking measures for cultivation of fallow land.
37. Preservation of crop statistics, provision of crop security, lending of seeds for sowing purposes, distribution of chemical fertilizers and popularization of their use and increasing the availability of animal feed. 
38.Provision of agricultural credit and development of agricultural education and taking other measures for agricultural development. 39.Construction and repair of dams and supply, storage and control of water for agricultural purposes.
40 Conservation of forest land in rural areas.
41. Land conservation and restoration and drainage of wetlands. 
42.Marketing, control and maintenance.
43. Procurement of raw materials and marketing of manufactured goods for rural industries.
44. Industry - Establishment, preservation of schools and training of workers for village based industries.
 45.Establishment and maintenance of rural shops. 46.Popularization of cooperative movement and improvement of cooperative education.
47. Taking other measures for economic welfare.
                            Public health(e)
 48.Development of public health education. 49.Preparation and implementation of projects for prevention and control of malaria and infectious diseases.
50. Establishment and maintenance of primary medical center.
51. Formation of mobile medical team.
52. Encourage the formation of associations to provide medical assistance.
53. Development of medical education and granting of funds to medical aid providers.
54. Work and dispensary inspection of compounders, nurses and other medical personnel. 55Establishment, maintenance and inspection of Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic dispensaries. 56.stablishment, maintenance and inspection of health centers, maternity and child welfare centers, training of midwives and other measures for the welfare of mothers and children.
57. Elimination of animal diseases and prevention and control of infectious diseases in animals and birds.
58.onservation of cattle resources.
59.assland management and development
.60. Control of milk supply, establishment of dairy farms and arrangement and control of health friendly trust.
61.tablishment and maintenance of cattle farms and dairy farms.
62.Establishment and maintenance of poultry farms.
 63.take other measures for the development of public health, animal husbandry and bird welfare. 
Public Works(f)
64. Improving communication system. 
65.inage water supply system, conservation of surface freshwater reservoirs, conservation of rain water, paving of roads and other essential works of public interest.
66.paration of local area design.
67.Under this Act or any other Act
Construction and management of essential public welfare works which are necessary for the discharge of any duty but not mentioned elsewhere in this Act.
68. To take measures for the religious, moral and material advancement of the local area and its inhabitants. 
Second Schedule
 (Taxes, Rates, Tolls and Fees to be levied by the District Council)
 [Note Section 51]
1. Part of the tax levied on real estate transfer.
2.Tax on advertising.
3. Toll on roads, bridges and ferries maintained by the council.
4. Rate for performing public welfare work by the council.
5. School fees established or operated by the council.
6.Fees for receiving benefits from public welfare work done by the council.
7. Fee for any special service rendered by the council.
8.Any tax imposed by the government on the powers conferred on the council.
Third Schedule
(Offenses under this Act)
[Note Section 51]
1. Evasion of taxes, tolls, rates and fees legally imposed by the council.
2. Failure to provide information or incorrect information in accordance with the summons of the council on all matters under which this council may seek information under this Act, rules or regulations.
3.Performing a work for which a license or permission is required in accordance with the provisions of this Act, Rules or Regulations without a license or without permission. 
4. Illegal intrusion on any public road without the approval of the council. Doing any work that makes drinking water visible or unsuitable for use.
5.Drinking water from any source even though it is prohibited under this Act to be harmful to public health.
6. Drinking water from any source even though it is prohibited to drink water from any source under this Act on suspicion of being harmful to public health.
7.Watering, urinating, or bathing cattle or animals near a public source of drinking water.
 8. Submergence of sorghum, jute or other vegetation in or near any pond within the prescribed distance from the residential area under this Act. 
9. Dyeing or tanning of leather within the distance prescribed under this Act from the residential area.
10. Excavation of soil, rocks or anything else within the distance prescribed under this Act from the residential area. 11. Establishment of brick kilns, lime kilns, wood-coal kilns and pottery industries within the prohibited distance from the residential area by the council.
12. Disposal of dead animal remains within the prohibited distance from the residential area by the council.
13. Failure to remove garbage, animal droppings, manure or any other foul-smelling substance from any land or building, as directed under this Act.
14. Failure to cover, remove, repair, clean, disinfect, or properly preserve any toilet, urinal, sewer, sewer, water, garbage, or other place for keeping waste products, as directed under this Act.
15. Under this Act, any weed, shrub or herbaceous shrub is declared to be unfavorable to public health or the environment but it is the responsibility of the landlord or occupier to remove or clear it.
16. Any weeds, shrubs or plants growing on the side of the road, hanging on the road or on a pond, well or any other source of water for public use, obstructing the movement of water or exposing it to water, is a matter of public health under this Act. Failure to cut, remove or dispose of it by the owner or occupier of the premises concerned.
17. Cultivation of any crop declared as harmful to public health or the surrounding area under this Act, application of fertilizers or irrigating the land in a manner declared harmful.
18. No sewerage or canal shall be used for the purpose of intentionally or unintentionally discharging feces or any other harmful substance from a toilet hole or toilet drain into any public place or public place without the necessary permission in accordance with the provisions of this Act. 
19. Failure of the owner or occupier to clean, repair, cover or fill or drain water from any well, pond or other source of water supply declared harmful to public health or the surrounding area under this Act.
20.Failure of the owner or occupier of the land or building to arrange proper pipes or sewers for drainage of any water or waste from any land or building as directed by the provisions of this Act.
21. Failure of a physician to report to the council despite being aware of the existence of an infectious disease while on duty as a physician. 
22.Failure to inform the council of any person despite knowing about the prevalence of infectious disease in a building.
23. Failure of the owner or occupier to disinfect a building infected with an infectious germ. 
24.Food or drink by a person infected with an infectious disease. 
25.Failure of the owner or driver of a vehicle infected with the germ to disinfect it.
26. To give an opportunity to any animal kept for milk or food to eat or eat any harmful substance. 
27.Slaughter of any animal for the purpose of meat in any place other than the Sahan prescribed for this purpose.
28.Cheating on the victim by providing low or different quality food or drink without providing food or drink as per his demand.
29. Begging annoying cries for begging or showing any deformed or molten part of the body or dirty sore spot.
30. Establishing brothels or conducting prostitution scholarships. 
31.Cutting, constructing or vandalizing any tree or its branch, or any building or any part of it, despite declaring it dangerous or annoying to the public under this Act.
32. Construction of any road on the land of the council or in the area under its jurisdiction without the approval of the council. 
33.To place any advertisement, notice, placard or any other leaflet in any place other than any place designated for this purpose.
 34.Wood, grass, straw or any other combustible material in a manner declared to be hazardous under this Act.
35. Picketing on any road, keeping animals, storing vehicles, or using any road as a place to stop vehicles or animals or as a place to pitch tents without the necessary permission under this Act. 
36.Allowing livestock to roam freely.
37. Throwing firearms, firecrackers or fireworks or playing or hunting with them in such a way as to cause danger or harm to pedestrians or people living or working in the surrounding area or any communion.
38. Cutting down trees, constructing buildings or conducting excavations or causing explosions to pedestrians or people living or working in the surrounding area who are or are at risk.
39. To bury or cremate a body anywhere other than a recognized graveyard or crematorium without the necessary permission under this Act.
40. To let go of a ferocious dog or any other dangerous animal without any regulation. 
41.Failure to demolish or strengthen any building declared dangerous under this Act.
42. Use of buildings declared as unsuitable for human habitation under this Act for living or allowing anyone to live in them.
43. Failure to whitewash or repair any building in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
44. Doing any work declared as a crime by the rules. 
45.Violation of this Act or any rule or any order, instruction or declaration issued under it or any notification issued.
46. To attempt or assist in the commission of the offenses mentioned in this Schedule.
Organizational structure
Organizational Structure: 
The organizational structure of the district council located in Sadar upazila of Chapainawabganj district of Rajshahi division, known as Mango Capital, is presented in tree form as follows: